
Kristensen is a “boutique” law firm that focuses on specific areas of business law. As a signature law firm, it has been developed with enthusiasm by building on the firm's individual character and unique identity.  

Kristensen assists private ownership environments, listed and privately owned companies. We provide ongoing advice on administration, contract and contract law, employment law, real estate, corporate law and transactions, shipping and government and administrative law.

Kristensen does not assist banks, the state or public authorities.  

Our assistance includes legal advice and litigation. We mainly provide legal advice to our regular clients. We spend a lot of time on legal issues within administration, including HR issues, acquisitions and sales or operations. Kristensen specializes in litigation. We assist in all court instances, including the Supreme Court. With our broad range of expertise, we can take on litigation assignments in various areas of law and life.

The hyperlinks below contain reflections on the areas of law we work with the most:
